Born and raised in Rochester, NY, I am Diamond Moorehead. I graduated from Siena College with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, a Criminal Justice Minor, and a Pre-Law Certificate. In addition, I concentrated on Criminology and Law at American University in Washington, D.C. My desire to travel and explore led me to South Africa and Namibia where I studied globalization, nation building, and decolonizing the mind. I truly became in tune with myself and my capabilities in Namibia.

Since then, I have migrated and created a home in North Carolina where I am raising my beautiful daughter, and educating students within Durham Public Schools.

It is here where my business began.

I had informally coached and mentored family and friends for years. I finally felt it was time to do it professionally in order to see concrete and substantial results. Anyone will tell you, “If you’re around Diamond for long enough, you’ll begin stepping out of your comfort zone, pushing yourself to do better, and enjoying the fruits of your labor!”

I believe in higher education and the power it gives to a person to navigate the vast world we live in. I believe that we should be free to explore different career paths and passions throughout our lives and not be restrained to any one thing. I believe in intentional planning, and then executing those plans with everything you’ve got. I believe that with the direction of the Lord, and a sprinkle of life coaching, one can truly create the life they deserve to live.

I know that my purpose in life is to speak up for the people unable to speak for themselves. Based on my purpose, my mission as a life coach is to put my clients in the position to become advocates for themselves and to be prepared for every good thing coming their way.